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Selectmen's Minutes 2011/12/05

Meeting 6:30PM at the Town Meeting Room
Monday, December 5, 2011

Present: Frederick Gallup Chairman, Charlotte Brown, Suzanne Gottling and Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager.

Also Present: see attached sign-up sheet.

Review of Items for Signature
Motion to approve the following CZC’s by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Brown All in Favor: CZC’s: Parcel ID 0210-0007-0000, 131 Trow Hill Road, Jeff & Kim Stoughton.
Parcel ID: 0147-0019-0000, 563 Route 103, S & J Holdings (Double Diamond)
Motion to approve the following Driveway Permit by Selectman Brown seconded by Selectman Gottling All in Favor: Parcel ID 0210-0007-0000, 131 Trow Hill Road, Jeff & Kim Stoughton
Motion to approve the following Property Tax Refund by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Gottling All in Favor: Parcel ID:0112-0012-0000, 68 Woodland Road, Mark & Kristen Begor.
Motion to approve the following Intent to Cut by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Gottling All in Favor: Parcel ID: 0225-0027-0000 & 0225-0028-0000, Young Hill Road, Alice Liu, Trustee.
Parcel ID: 0207-0004-0000, Maurers Lane, Patricia Maurer Walter
Motion to approve the following Sign Permit by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Brown All in Favor: Parcel ID: 0232-0009-0000, 171 Route 103, Jolyon Johnson.

Scott Blewitt-Recreation
Scott Blewitt gave a breakdown of the bills that were paid and the amount of $10,268.64 that needed to be transferred to the general fund. Motion to transfer monies in the amount of $10,268.64 from the special recreation fund to general fund by Selectman Smith, seconded by Selectman Brown. All in Favor.

Public Comments
•Scott Blewitt gave a breakdown on the Turkey Trot and thanked the volunteers, Highway, Police and Fire Dept. Also, Saturday was the Christmas Harbor Magic and the Looney Lunge, which had 16 participants.   
Spec Bowers mentioned that he has not seen Selectman Roach at the meetings and asked if everything was ok. Chairman Gallup said that Selectman Roach is experiencing some health problems; at this point the Board is not sure how serious.  
Spec Bowers wondered what was going on in Georges Mills by the creek feeding Lake Sunapee. Donna Nashawaty responded that it is a state project. The state is putting drainage along Route 11.   
•Chairman Gallup noted that the fire department has taken receipt of the new fire truck.
•Also, Chairman Gallup was shown a new sticker on Peter Urbach’s car advertising the new library. Peter Urbach stated that the library has produced magnetic stickers that attach to the car and say “I plan to vote for the new Sunapee library” and are available at the library.   

Selectmen Action
•Motion to appoint Matt McNally to the Recreation Committee by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Smith. All in Favor.  
Chairman Gallup read the memo from Donna Nashawaty regarding the 2012 comparative statement of expenditures. Attached please find the requested new budget spreadsheet with the expenditures to include the COLA of 3% instead of 2%.  With the reduction from the police budget of $5,000 it increased the general government operating budget in the amount of $17,438. Which works out to $.015 on the tax rate projected?
Chairman Gallup would be happy either way. Selectman Brown suggested that the Board stay with the 2% COLA. Selectman Smith had no comment. Selectman Gottling wanted to make sure the COLA would cover the increase in healthcare the employees would have to pay. Donna Nashawaty said it would. After much discussion, the Board decided to go with a 3% COLA.
•Donna Nashawaty handed out some back-up data for the budget booklets; ambulance service and dispatch.
•Donna Nashawaty has no new articles other than the ones the Board has already seen; the one that is being circulated is for the skate park. Donna Nashawaty received a draft number for the Perkins Pond project; $2,600,000 range. Selectman Brown wishes the town could use the $100,000 from the Hydro on some other capital expense rather than paying down the loan on the Safety Service Building. Selectman Gottling wanted to know if road building was a capital expense. Is it an expenditure under a certain amount and how does the Board defined a capital expense. Chairman Gallup said that capital expenditure has always been buildings. Selectman Gottling was thinking of the total rebuilding of some of the town roads, which is not really maintenance. Chairman Gallup went on to say that if there was some sort of a plan to rebuild 3 roads, continue the resurfacing program on 5 roads then the Board could look at putting together a capital road rebuilding project. Selectman Gottling asked if the Board could assign the $100,000 from Hydro to a road building project. Chairman Gallup said it was a little speculation on his part, but if you had a program for road rebuilding, that it may qualify for a capital expenditure. Selectman Gottling asked if the plan Tony Bergeron presented to the Board would need more than $100,000. Donna Nashawaty stated that Tony Bergeron presented a plan with how much we would need each year to maintain the roads. After much discussion on using the $100,000 from Hydro maybe towards a road project instead of the Safety Services loan it was stated by Chairman Gallup that one of Bob Collins recommendations to the Board was to increase the amount of money left in the Hydro fund by $100,000.
Selectman Brown asked if that meant the Board would skip taking the $100,000 out of the fund for a year, Chairman Gallup said possibly yes.  Donna Nashawaty stated that the Board would have to repurpose the money if they thought about doing the road plan this year. Selectman Gottling said without a firm road plan it probably would not happen this year, but should be worked on early next year. Chairman Gallup suggested that Tony Bergeron come up with a detailed plan for next year.          

Manager Report
•Donna Nashawaty handed out the monthly budget sheet
•Roger Landry is making changes to CZC’s decision sheet and Donna Nashawaty will mail with packet for the December 19th meeting.
•The staff of Senator Ayotte will here on Thursday between 12-1PM in the town meeting room.
•Chief Cahill was appointed by Governor Lynch to the Police Standards and Training Council Board effective January 1, 2012.
•Donna Nashawaty reminded the Board about the employee Christmas Party on December 21st at the Safety Services Building.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:02PM
Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                


____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                              Charlotte Brown

_________________________               _______________________
Emma M. Smith                                   Suzanne H. Gottling